Technologies Natives

Start Your Learning Path On AndroidX With Kotlin

Hello soon-to-be Android/Kotlin developers !

Ever wanted to learn AndroidX and Kotlin? Or perhaps you just found great reasons to learn Kotlin and Android? This article will guide through the first resources you need to begin your learning journey on AndroidX. Let's get started!

Since the Google I/O 2019 conference, Android is now Kotlin first: Google chose Kotlin to replace Java in the development of future Android apps. Without further ado...

... learn the basics of Kotlin !

First things first, you need to learn Kotlin. How to get started on Kotlin ?

  • Read the Kotlin official website Getting Started Basic Syntax and idioms;
  • Try out your learning with mentored exercises ! Head to on the kotlin track and submit your first solutions ! Kotlin mentors will give you feedbacks and improvements tips.

Then, get started on AndroidX

AndroidX alias Jetpack is the future Android. My advice is not to start by learning Android previous practices: Jetpack has everything you need to develop awesome apps.

Get familiarized with the keywords you will encounter on your learning journey. Read the following road map. Keep in mind that the goal is not to understand everything right now; but to read those new words a first time in order to connect them to one another later.

Google and Udacity published a very accessible and complete tutorial with videos, readings, quizz and exercises. It takes some time to complete but you will get a wide overview of Android Jetpack.

Enter the community

Join your local Kotlin community? There might be one near your location, the full list is here:

And subscribe to newsletters and podcasts !

Ready to get advanced practical exercises

You can find an exhaustive list of tutorials and resources here:

My favorites tutorials: how to get a modularized app with clean feature flags 🏴 Check out Jeroen Mols' awesome blog !

What are you favorite tutorials and best practices resources ? Share them on Twitter @Thomas_Pucci ?

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